Thursday, March 17, 2011


Got a new book from Rick Bayless because I see him on TV on the regular and I love Mexican food! Rick is a chef who owns several Mexican restaurants, but he's a fricken genius. Gina and I have been making good stuff from his book: Mexican Everyday which tries to take great Mexican dishes and reinvent them to make something you can make at home on a weeknight with all of the true Mexican flavors (not like the tex-mex place down the road).

Chorizo, Potato, and Mushroom Tacos (with Poblanos!) and Roasted Tomatillo Salsa (Taco recipe here) (tomatillo salsa recipe)

Hand roasting the poblano pepper

Salsa, the finished product (SOOOOOOOOOOO Good)

Finished product (before plating)

Served on corn tortillas, muy bien!

Chipotle Shrimp and Chayote Squash served on Gulf Coast-Style White Rice Pilaf

Sprinkle some cilantro on it, 5/5 stars: no question. Plus it has a spicy kick to it. 

Or served on a tortilla (but the pilaf was better)

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